Beauty will be convulsive or not at all ... Convulsive beauty will be veiled-erotic, fixed-explosive, magic-circumstantial or not at all.”— André Breton, Mad Love (1937)

In the context of the celebration of 100 years of Surrealism we decided to stage a play which we titled Explodente-fixa, based on the dramatic works of Russian author Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). Choosing Kharms naturally relates to his persistence in creating a poetic system against logical thought, a liberating act in its essence. In his plays, Kharms rejects the usual dramatic plot; it is the collision of various theatrical elements that should give rise to new meaning, transcending the simple idea of reason. His plays showcase a chaotic order, embedding a variety of genres and replicas to create a postdramatic theatre marked by the juxtaposition of scenic elements that erase any sort of meaning and didacticism. In accordance with the orthodox surrealist tradition this work will be created collectively, an exquisite corpse - scandalously beautiful and sleeping upon the ruins of history.

Public Program

2 March, 21h30
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Original Idea
Nuno Marques Pinto

Dramaturgy, direction, performance, and music
Inês Tartaruga Água, Nuno Marques Pinto, Vasco Alves, Xavier Paes

Co-Production in Residency
O Espaço do Tempo

© Inês Pinto

Actor, performer, radio transmitter, musician.

His work is a reflection on the voice and its linguistic implications.It gives primacy to pre-verbal forms of language with the aim of transforming and disrupting its discursive, utilitarian, and functional logic. The voice or voices are privileged as corporeality, where breathing, rhythm, the now of carnal presence take precedence over logos.

Nuno Marques Pinto
