This project is the result of an invitation to João Estevens to create, for the first time, a collaborative work with Cão Solteiro and is based on common strategies such as the crossing of theatrical language with other lexicons - in this case new technologies - in order to enhance other communication possibilities. The aim is to approach themes such as the perception of time and space, reality and simultaneity, and to play with digital and analogue visualities.


Cão Solteiro & João Estevens

Co-Production Residency
O Espaço do Tempo

Structure financed by Ministério da Cultura | DGArtes and CML

CÃO SOLTEIRO is a platform of artists creating theatre pieces in Lisbon since 1997, directed by actor Paula Sá Nogueira, costume designer Mariana Sá Nogueira, and producer/photographer Joana Dilão. Their creative process relies on the construction of images, and their work often code-switches between different artistic languages and disciplines. They continually question the formal relevance of theatre and test its structural rules, focusing mainly on how communication establishes itself and unfolds in the theatre. Their tools include the displacement and purposeful misuse of formal elements and of meaning, absurd entrances, errors, and pure lies.

JOÃO ESTEVENS is a creator, performer and researcher. He began his artistic career in university theatre, studied at Forum Dança and worked as a performer before starting his artistic research. He is currently finalizing a doctorate in social sciences. His artistic practice values experimentation and hybridity, combining the performing and visual arts in the development of his language. He focuses on the composition of new dramaturgies and has recently collaborated with several emerging artists. He joined Rabbit Hole, a structure where he strengthened his collaborative practices by co-creating multidisciplinary artistic platforms and performance events. His most recent work includes the transmedia performance C\:>how2become (data) & dissolve_into: 'tears', the editorial coordination of the book Artes Performativas e Cultura Digital and the co-creation, with Ana Libório and Bruno José Silva, of the performance COSMIC PHASE/STAGE.

Cão Solteiro & João Estevens
