KALUNGA: Towards a black queer ecology is an artistic research project that is part of the Afrontosas Collective's lines of action: "Ancestry and Welcome" and "Art and Research". It began with reflections on the neologism "cuír" and the importance of non-European mythological aesthetics in the formation of black artists' identities. Thus, the main aim of the research is to understand how Afro-Brazilian mythologies can influence the production of contemporary art from the intersection between race, gender, ecology and art.
Oficina Magina view map
Free entry upon reservation via text to [+351] 913 699 891 or to info[a]oespacodotempo.pt.
Artistic Investigation & Executive Production
Coletivo Afrontosas
Created by the artists
ROD, tony omulu and DIDI
Co-Production in Residency
O Espaço do Tempo

Coletivo Afrontosas is a Cultural Association born from meetings between Black, queer people linked to the world of arts, education and celebration. Its emergence was motivated by the absence of projects reflecting on the importance of queer Blackness in the diaspora in Portugal, in confluence with migratory exchanges from Latin America, Africa and other regions with the idea to support, promote and publicise artistic and educational production by black and queer artists.