Artistic residency integrated in the YEP - Young Emergin Performers program, in partnership with Rua das Gaivotas6.

Phauna is the last creature of its kind, an optimystical eco-queer being, faun-humanoid, destined to perform a techno-tragic ritual-sacrifice to give birth to new seeds of its race. A transmedia performance concert encompassing choreographic movement, projection, text, and music.

A relationship of semi-fictional fantasy, with direct recognition from the audience intercalated with its (PHAUNA's) complete and absolute solitude inside the world.


Creation, conception and performance

Installation and Costumes
Janis Dellarte

Scenery and Costumes
Alex Simões

Multimedia Consulting
João Parente

Movement Consulting
Aurora Pinho

YEP – Young Emerging Performers, a partnership between Rua das Gaivotas 6/ Teatro Praga and O Espaço do Tempo

© Bruna Biotto

Rezmorah is a spiritualized, optimystical, positive transfag. Sprouted of music and poetry, twice born through performance art, big stages and many streets. Raised between Brazil, Portugal and NYC, their body overflows voice, sound and multimedia. Her performance research has taken her through different cultures in the east and west and their style is something born out of that and an ‘antropofágica’ attitude.

Member of WWWPERFORMANCEART, duo REZGATE, CUNTS COLLECTIVE and other perspectives.

