Spot on the most likely successors of the human race: Bugs. After mankind has successfully extinct itself, the bugs will be free to roam. Happily ever after? Possibly. But bear in mind that they will also have to entertain themselves. Bug Ballet uses the physical conditions, ways of seeing and being in the world of a bug to create a first ballet that celebrates the coming up post-human bug lifestyle. A choreography for a non-individualist, no-ego society, a piece that knows no feelings. Will it be received positively by the largest part of the earth population of today and the masters of tomorrow?

Bug Ballet is a project supported by FELD/LAB, an initiative financed by the Goethe-Institut in Portugal and in partnership with the Portuguese platform Coffeepaste

Public Program

17 February, 18h00
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Georg Bütow

Choreography and Performance
Amanda Babaei Vieira, Frederik Von Lüttichau, Raphael Souza Sá, Georg Bütow

Felipe Pisano

© Georg Butöw

Georg Bütow is an actor and director for screen and stage. He was born in Berlin. His original works cross genre borders and have a strong political agenda. In #makethempay, he faked his own radicalization on the internet, leading to a live- streamed series of feigned assaults on the culprits of the climate crisis. In Ver Sacrum, he pretended to be a senior curator for a globally active Art Funding Institution. He also infiltrated a German fascist party to obstruct their election campaign. He performed at Volksbühne Berlin, Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Rua das Gaivotas 6, among others.

Georg Bütow
