Norma is a site-specific dance, circus and performance piece that is constantly under construction.

The viewer is invited to be part of the work, and the body acts as a discourse at the intersection between art and life. The body is observed as a unique experience, in the duality of a gravitational space and a space without gravity. Witnesses to a game of resistance and risk, where limits are relative, in that they will always be restricted, but not restrained.

The work is inspired by Heinrich Von Kleist's text On the Marionette Theater and reflects on the context of Portuguese eugenics, in which the Mitra hostel (extinct in 1960) responded to the institutionalization of people outside the norm. This creation encourages us to observe history and reflect on the place of social violence that contributed to the marginalization of communities outside the norm and exclusionary practices.


Artistic Direction
Diana Niepce

Diana Niepce, Eric Amorim dos Santos, Lucas Damiani, Sara Garcia, Tarlie Lumby, Rebecca Mateus

Diogo Melo

Silvana Ivaldi

Technical Direction and Light Design
Roger Madureira

Maria Abrantes

Joana Costa Santos

Produção d’Fusão

As Niepce’s, Teatro Nacional D.Maria II

Co-production in Residency
O Espaço do Tempo, Estúdios Victor Córdon, OPART, E.P.E. / Estúdios Victor Córdon

Direção Geral das Artes

© Eduardo Breda

Diana Niepce is a dancer, choreographer and writer. She graduated from the Escola Superior de Dança, did an Erasmus at Teatterikorkeakoulun (in Helsinki), and a Masters in Art and Communication at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is an associate artist at Espaço do Tempo and the creator of the pieces “Forgotten Fog” (2015), “Raw a nude” (2019), “12 979 Dias” (2019), “Dueto” (2020), “T4” (2020), “Anda, Diana” (SPA Prize, 2021), “O outro lado da dança” (2022), “Enfreakment” (2024), “Utopia” (2024). As a dancer and performer, she has collaborated with national and international artists. She is the curator and trainer of the Introduction to the Performing Arts for Artists with Disabilities (2020), Fora da Norma (2023, Biblioteca de Marvila, Cinteatro Louletano) and Norma (2023, TNDMII). Curator of the Political Bodies Cycle of conferences and performances (2024, Culturgest). Her most recent publications are the article “Experimenting with the body” in the newspaper Coreia, the book “Anda, Diana” (ed. Sistema Solar) and the story “Broken and stinky, they are the pebbles.” for the Rota Memorial do Convento.

Diana Niepce
