How do we express grief? What do we write in stone? Descansar (Resting) looks into cemeteries and into what happens o the dead body.
And what differences can be read in de cemeterial space? What rituals? Where? Which aesthetic decisions do we make when we bury a loved one?

Descansar aims at thinking about the tensions within this space: not only a place of memory and homage, but also a space of social, political, economic and gender differences.

24 - 25 November

Blackbox view map


This work is part of ET/FEST, an event that showcases the selected projects of the ET / BPI / "la Caixa" Grants.

November 24th - 9:30pm
November 25th - 7:00pm
Free tickets via text to +351 913 699 891.

* This piece uses strobe light effects that may affect people susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other types of photosensitivity.


Artistic Direction and Script
Raquel S.

Co-creation and Interpretation
Júlia Valente e Leonor Cabral

Scenography and Costumes
Pedro Azevedo

Music and Sound Design
José Alberto Gomes

Light Design
Tiago Silva

Video and Image
Nuno Matos

Dramaturgical Contribution and Movement Support
Vera Santos

Production Director
Inês Maia | Pé de Cabra

Production Support
Jessica Duncalf

TUP - Teatro Universitário do Porto

Costumes Conception
Ana Fernandes, Delfina Oliveira e Rosa Almeida

Bolsa de criação O Espaço do Tempo, com o apoio do BPI e da Fundação "La Caixa", e Teatro Municipal do Porto

ACAPO, ACE Escola de Artes e Teatro do Bolhão, Ana Carolina (atenta aos nomes desaparecidos), CRL - Central Elétrica, Dário Pais, Eduardo Brandão, Joana Mont' Alverne, Mafalda Banquart, Maria do Carmo e Francisca Costa, Marisa Catita, membros dos grupos Cemitérios Históricos de Portugal e Cemitério dos Prazeres – O Père Lachaise Português, Miguel C. Tavares, Palmilha Dentada, Rafaela Ferraz, Rute Pimenta, Sr. Joaquim e funcionários da Raquel Silva, Lda. Artigos Funerários, Steel Point.

Noitarder – Associação Cultural is a structure with artistic direction by Raquel S., established in January 2018, whose main objective is to develop a speculative aesthetic that combines Theater, Philosophy and Literature. Noitarder starts from the desire to develop an aesthetics and ethics in which the work methodology is defined for each project, according to the specific theme or starting point. Longe was Noitarder’s first show, the result of a co-production with Teatro Municipal do Porto, and premiered at FITEI in June 2018. amor.demónio premiered in May 2021. Ruído, a show about gravitational waves, premiered in November 2021 in Planetário do Porto. Noitarder premiered Cadernos de in Teatro Nacional D. Maria II. Noitarder is researching Descansar, that wil premiere in 2023.

