In her choreographic work, Dragana Bulut regards the theater as a public forum for critical investigation. By appropriating established formats, she creates performances rooted in the tension between the material and the immaterial realms, between tangibility and affect, reality and fiction. These social choreographies bring to light the often overlooked shifting processes that choreograph our behaviors as a society.
In Interplay, the Berlin-based artist investigates the intricate connection between emotions and society, exploring the commodification of emotions and how they are choreographed by cultural, technological and economic forces. Building upon previous investigations into commodification of happiness, fear and love, this project now shifts its focus towards nostalgia. This project was the subject of Dragana’s research during her artistic residency at O Espaço do Tempo from February 20th to March 3rd. By the end of the residency, the artist invited the community for a talk where she talked a bit about her work and, taking on the material from previous pieces, created an interactive space in a speed dating format.
This is a project supported by FELD/LAB, an initiative financed by the Goethe-Institut in Portugal and in partnership with Coffeepaste.