O Estado do Tempo is an initiative by O Espaço do Tempo that involves a series of discussions and the publication of a collection of zines on various contemporary issues.
In 2024, O Espaço do Tempo continued to work actively with the local community of Montemor-o-Novo, this time in partnership with Monte Dentro. Sara Fonseca da Graça visited Monte Dentro's facilities to work actively with young people on the Unboxing project.
Unboxing ⎯ Fora da Caixa (2024)
In 2024, O Espaço do Tempo and Montemor-o-Novo's high school begin the project "Imaginar Futuros", which aims to foster critical and creative thinking and promote the imagination and projection of possible futures for the municipality of Montemor-o-Novo.
Imaginar Futuros (2024)
At the Collective of Spectators, we invited all people who participate in our activities, shows, and open rehearsals to be present so that we could talk, discuss, and reflect.